
DiscoverhowonlineadvertisingwithGoogleAdscanhelpgrowyourbusiness.Getcustomersandsellmorewithourdigitaladvertisingplatform.GoogleAnalytics·GoogleShoppingCampaigns·GoogleAdsEditor·YouTubeAds,GoogleDisplayNetwork(GDN)targetingallowsyoutosetwhereorwhenyouradisshownbasedonfeaturesofyouridealaudience,suchastheirpersonal ...,Googleaimstoshowyourelevantadsbasedonyourinterests.Usethistooltoselectintere...

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Discover how online advertising with Google Ads can help grow your business. Get customers and sell more with our digital advertising platform. Google Analytics · Google Shopping Campaigns · Google Ads Editor · YouTube Ads

Google Display Network (GDN) Targeting

Google Display Network (GDN) targeting allows you to set where or when your ad is shown based on features of your ideal audience, such as their personal ...

Ads Settings

Google aims to show you relevant ads based on your interests. Use this tool to select interest categories so that the ads we show you are more related to ...

Results from Google Ads' interest

The current experiment measures the effectiveness of serving interest-based audiences; the results of future experiments including measurement, ...

Google Display Network (GDN) Targeting

Interest targeting is exactly what it sounds like – your ads are shown to people based on their interest in your products, services or pastimes related to your ...


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About audience segments

Audiences are made up of segments, or groups of people with specific interests, intents, and demographic information, as estimated by Google.

About privacy and personalized ads (formerly known as interest ...

Google offers users several ways to control the information that's gathered through personalized advertising (formerly known as interest-based advertising).

Reaching Users Based on Interest Targeting with Google Ads

Interest targeting is a feature within Google Ads that allows advertisers to target users based on their specific interests, hobbies, or ...

The Ultimate Guide to Audiences in Google Ads

The foundation of Google's audience targeting builds on user interests and behaviors, going beyond simple demographic or keyword targeting. This ...